We are Architects
In this digital world we must have a philosophy moving forward.
Today we are ever surrounded by digital interfaces. Digital interfaces are relativity new, and as a society we have yet to create standards to build them, let alone teach others to build them. Creating an interface is very much like a construction project when you compare the moving parts, but unlike construction projects, we do not have building inspectors, protocols, or proper techniques. We do however have a strong peer to peer network to review and refine the building process. Our peer network binds us, even though we who design and build interfaces come from different trades and beginnings, as there was no school for us. We were all drawn into a field of study that has yet to be truly understood in its entirety. This is because in order to create interfaces we must understand all parts of building one: devices, languages, servers, programming, technologies, users interaction, databases, markets, law, design, people, sales, and analytics. This necessity of vast knowledge to build parallels the old standing profession of the architect. Traditional building architects must understand all parts of construction to successfully execute ideas into grand structures. Many of the ideologies put in place by architects over time closely match our practices and standards for digital interface building. As it stands, those of us building interfaces and complex computer systems are digital architects.
As digital architects:
- We must understand good design and proper programming.
- We must design with a core idea, and stay true to that idea.
- We must know when to scrap old designs in place of new ones.
- We must design for a decade of devices while adapting to new technologies.
- We must be open to new methods for the user while understanding the old traditions.
- We must design for all skill levels when building for users.
- We must understand theories from before, while progressing new theories.
- We must respect nature when digital pursuits require physical mechanics.
- We must constantly educate ourselves with that around us.
- We must work together to create tools and methods that will grow or transition with time.
- It is our duty to stay connected, and educate each other.
- It is our duty to give back to our digital world after success finds us.
- It is our duty to keep knowledge free and open.